Thursday, June 20, 2013


I test-drove another app last weekend. It's called Talkatone. The paid version is $20! Fortunately the free version was available so I gave it a whirl. It seemed to have less of a delay than GrooVe IP, but the sound quality was not as good. I guess that's a fair trade-off, however I could not find any setting to tell it to turn on when I boot up my phone. I'm sort of absent-minded, so I don't want to have to remember to open the app after every time I restart my phone. I'm assuming the full version has that feature, but I'm not going to pay to find out.

I definitely have a bias towards GrooVe IP because it's more familiar to me now. I feel like this plan is not really working anyway and I'll probably be returning to a more traditional mobile phone service later in the year. I am waiting to see what new deal is offered with Freedom Pop's Freedom Phone. I'm also thinking I might hold out until Samsung releases a new phone with the Snapdragon 800 processor, because that looks pretty awesome.

In the mean time I am still enjoying the cost savings of not having a traditional contract for my mobile phone service.

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