Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy day!

Today I received my tuition reimbursement check. It's nice to have some money again! Now that I have the cash, I ordered a Nexus 5. I went with the white option, and 32 GB. I've always owned black phones so it will be fun to have a change. And since there is no SD slot, I went with the larger storage option. It's an extra $50, but I prefer to have it and not need it verses needing it and not having it. I made the same decision for my Nexus 4 and my Nexus 7. It's always nice to have plenty of storage.

I'm looking forward to having LTE access, and a longer battery life. I will be sure to post here about my experiences.

Whenever I order something, I always want it right now. I'm sort of childish in that way. Before I ordered, the site said it would ship in 1 to 2 days, but then after I placed the order, they told me it will ship on 12/23. The order was placed at 9:30 am on 12/18, so that would be 3 days, not 1 to 2 days. I am hoping they are just under-promising. Either way I just need to be more patient. It's not a gift so it doesn't matter if I have it by Christmas anyway. First World Problems!

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