Thursday, December 26, 2013

I have already scratched my screen.

I had my Nexus 4 for only about five months, but I still managed to drop it a few times, and it would occasionally have some company in my pocket. I didn't use a screen protector on it, and still that screen is in perfect condition.
Now as I mentioned in an earlier post, I dropped my Nexus 5 twice on Sunday. Since then I dropped it one more time. Now it has a 1/4 inch scratch on the screen. I'm guessing it's from the last time I dropped it. That was Monday night and it landed on a snowy street with some sand and ice mixed into the snow. I'm a little bit annoyed, but perhaps I will need to get a screen protector for this one after all. The screen is nice and bright so it should still shine through another layer of plastic too.
I'm happy the screen survived the two drops so well. This last drop happened when I was sliding out of my car, and therefore it had some lateral motion too. That's why I'm assuming it's the culprit. 

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