Monday, June 3, 2013


When the Overdrive Pro is on the charger, it can get too hot and then it stops charging. I'm glad it stops because an exploding battery would be very inconvenient. I normally place it up on the dashboard of my car when I'm driving because then it sits on top of a vent, which keeps it cool so it can keep charging. And normally I leave it there when I am home because inside the house I have my home WiFi. Since I have an attached garage it's usually not a problem. But yesterday I went to the car wash and then left my car in the driveway for a few hours so it could dry. The sun was shining on my Overdrive Pro and it got extremely hot. It actually caused it to seize up (become unresponsive). I had to pull the battery and cool everything off for a minute. Once I put it back together it was fine again, but I was really amazed at how hot it had been. Lesson learned. Don't leave a sensitive electronic device in the sun, especially when it's black!

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