Friday, August 2, 2013

Skype works great

Last night a friend called me on my cell phone. I'm down to only 9 minutes remaining of the 100 monthly minutes. So I told him I would call him right back. I have Skype set up as my default phone call app, so I just open my call history, and his number was right on top. I clicked on it and my phone immediately called him from Skype. We talked for about 10 or 15 minutes and everything was just as clear as it was when he called me. So the bottom line is that when I'm at home, it works great on my Nexus 4. I still have my Bionic so I think I will give it a try from there too. And I also need to test it while I'm out and about. I assume if I am driving and change towers, it's going to drop the call. But I need to experiment a little bit with that. All in all, for $3/month, I'm excited about how well this works. Totally worth the money!

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